Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Great Coat Sew Along

Yes, I joined and I'm happy that I did. Like many of you, I don't sew clothes until I need them right now. I am hoping that this coat sew along will help me make a nice quality coat with some tailoring. I plan on using this Burda pattern. I really like the lines of the coat. I plan on making view B, the thigh length coat with the belt.

I like view A too. That's the long coat.

This is my tweedy fabric that I bought from the red-tag clearance bin at joann's. I wanted to make sure that my muslin material was thicker so I could really see how it would fit. I didn't even bother to wash it because I plan on drawing all over it. I will never wear this coat for mare than fitting.

This is one of the few envelope patterns that I did not trace. Thank goodness. This is all the pieces layed out on my floor before I pinned them. Look at how much tracing I would of had to do. I chose to do a size 36 for the shoulders with a 38 at the hip.

Next stop: Muslinville.

1 comment:

Meg said...

This thing with Marji has really taken off, hasn't it? For me the timing was perfect because I had been thinking I really wanted to make a coat this summer.